
Terrain Essentials

Created by Dave Taylor Miniatures

An Essential Guide to Building Tabletop Terrain

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We keep marching forward. Thank You!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 04:14:06 AM

After such a stellar launch and an amazing followup day on Saturday, we're all really excited to see that you are continuing to share the campaign and bring more backers into the fold! 

We have all now barged our way past the second stretch goal and we are moving solidly towards the third! Mel will now be writing another 8 pages worth of content about Grasses and Trees (hopefully palm trees) and TERRAIN ESSENTIALS has grown to 112 pages. The next one to tackle is at $85,000 and will bring more Rocks and Hills content to the book. 

Let's keep the sharing going! Mel announced in his latest Vlog that he wants to add a "Sharers Roll" to the PDF version to celebrate those who have been our heralds for the whole project! I whole-heartedly agree with this initiative! You can check out Mel's rollercoaster ride of emotions over the last week in his latest update HERE

We're also adding a new Stretch Goal to the campaign. This is another Content Upgrade adding 8 pages to the Buildings and Ruins chapter. If we can reach this, we'll add a cool Quality Upgrade, but more of that later...

THIRD most popular project on Kickstarter! (and a live stream with Mel)
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 04:27:24 PM

What an incredible 48 hours! I think I’ve had maybe 7 hours sleep since Friday, and I’m confident that Mel has had less.

We so pleased that your support has put our project as the third most popular project in the Tabletop Games category on Kickstarter! How exciting would it be if we made it all the way to Number One?

If you are keen to hear a bit more from Mel about TERRAIN ESSENTIALS and what the response means to him (and me), we invite you to join him in his regular Sunday Nighter livestream from 5pm EST (9pm GMT) where he’ll be answering all sorts of questions. Check out the stream here:

Let's make more work for Mel!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 04:22:17 PM

After such an amazing start to the campaign - seeing it fund in the first 7  hours (or 6 hours and 54 minutes as Jase is telling us) - we were so humbled to see things continue this morning when we woke up as you have all driven us past the first Stretch Goal. Mel will now be writing an additional 8 pages about Basing, Texture, and Painting for the book. 

This means we can announce another Stretch Goal below. If we can reach $85,000, Mel will give us all another 8 pages about Rocks and Hills!

Also, we've seen that for many of you wonderful supporters are backing their first Kickstarter project. On Monday, we'll post an update that describes the way we picture some of the more mechanical aspects of the campaign happening to answer some of the questions you might have. 

Thank you all for joining us on this adventure and remember: the more people we bring to this campaign, the more work we create for Mel, and that's our goal, really. Right? :) 

almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 04:15:53 PM

Thank you all so much! 

We're so very excited to bring you the best book we can. Mel knows his stuff and I'm ready to put it all together into something you'll use for years to come.

We're going to take a little break now (after that incredible 8-hour livestream) and we'll be back in the morning, but here are the first two stretch goals that will help to grow the size of the book. 

Please bring as many backers as you can to this campaign, as it makes the book better for all of us!