A Message from Mel, and a new Pledge Level!
almost 6 years ago
– Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 01:59:36 PM
Over the past week, I've been busy keeping an eye on things, making Updates, and discussing a few cool new ideas with Mel for things we'll be able to reveal once we're happy we've fleshed them out properly, and Mel has been getting stuck into answering as many comments as he can: here, on YouTube, on Facebook, and responding to the many wonderful emails he has received. Today, he was able to take a breath and put together this update for us all about where things stand.
“1. Comments - I want to be as responsive to your questions, requests and suggestions as possible folks. BUT, it works this way, if it's terrain or book contents related, I'll answer the best I can. If it's kickstarter/logistics stuff, I'll answer if I'm 100% sure I know the answer, if not, I'll wait for Dave (Keeper of the Tome of Campaign Planning) to answer, then chip in afterwards.
Note - if I haven't replied to your non campaign/logistics question, I ain't seen it. I'm finding this is happening in the update comments, so if I don't reply on an update, ask me in the main comments :-D
2. I know a lot of you want a pledge or way of buying a signed copy. As far as I'm concerned, you all deserve your copies signed, hence going with the bookplate sticker idea and to be honest, even though it was only a small make it happen and make it special now sort of stretch goal, I feel a lot better we've absorbed it into the campaign. I just didn't feel right to charge you for my signature, even if it was a just to make it happen goal.
Now, I am aware that there's a few of you wonderful folk out there who'd like us to come up with more ways for you to support us and Dave's looking into it for later in the campaign.
In the meantime, if you really do want to help me, get me pages, upgrade your pledge, gift a pledge to a mate, share and endorse the campaign, endorsements always help best! But above all, it's those pages I want!
You see, after all this campaign has ended and you all have the book we made possible, that book will be going into retail. Fingers crossed, over the next few years, it'll become a small regular income that will help support me and my family, one that isn't reliant on me constantly producing content like patron, to put it simply, a bit of stability in a world where sites can change policies or shutdown overnight. So, the bigger this books get, the more I can put in it and the more likely someone will take it off a shelf and buy it.
So as I said, if you really want to support me and show your appreciation for what I've been doing for the community for these past 5 years, get me pages and help me over the next 5 years folks.
3. Since we're talking pages, I've been getting a lot of requests for things to be included. Now, the book is planned out, I know what's going in it at every stretch goal. That being said, I factored a spare page every couple of stretch goals. I did it so that if I wanted to run a chapter over it's allocated pages, I could do so without cutting into another chapter. If there's any spare pages at the end, I'm happy to include requested stuff.
So if you have any requests, let me know in the comments and if it's doable I'll add it to the info wishlist and set what I can do as I near the end of writing and know if and if so, how many spare pages I have.
Finally, thanks for making this last week probably one of the most memorable for a very long time, you're an awesome community and I don't think I'll ever be able to say thank you enough, but thank you folks, you rock!
Catch ya on the Sunday Nighter folks! :-D”
So, folks, if you want to get it straight from the horse's mouth, make sure you check out Mel's vlog (posted tomorrow morning) and his live Sunday Nighter (tomorrow night at 9pm GMT, 5pm EST, 2pm PST) on The Terrain Tutor channel and feel free to ask him all the best questions about terrain!
In addition to this lengthy update, we also wanted to reveal our new pledge level. Many of you have asked for it. Who are we to refuse? Now you can pledge at the "Let's Crack On!" level - $95 gets you two copies of the physical book PLUS a copy of the PDF, all in one pledge. To switch to this level, head to the campaign page and click on the Manage Your Pledge button and adjust it. If you have any problems, please message the campaign or pop your issue in a comment and we'll be there to help you out.
And remember, TERRAIN ESSENTIALS will be going into distribution (which means it’ll be stocked in gaming stores, hobby stores, and bookstores) after we’ve delivered to you wonderful backers. This means that a bigger, better book now helps build on a stronger future for Mel and his channel, so keep sharing and pledging!