
Terrain Essentials

Created by Dave Taylor Miniatures

An Essential Guide to Building Tabletop Terrain

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a fantastic AdeptiCon!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 02:38:21 AM

Mel and I would like to thank everyone for an amazing AdeptiCon! The outpouring of support for Mel, the channel, and Terrain Essentials was simply spectacular. We’re excited to get stuck into creating the book for you all.

At the show, Mel was like a kid in a candy store, in more ways than one. In addition to the massive number of gaming tables full of lovely terrain that he filmed for livestreams and other content for The Terrain Tutor, he was the recipient of more than 100 Watchamacallit candy bars. Thanks for all of that chocolate, folks!

I’ve made it home from the show and I’m completely fried. Mel leaves Chicago this afternoon and won’t be home until late tomorrow night. This means we’re saving a larger update for tomorrow, and on Wednesday Mel will be diving in to all of your questions and comments. We thank you for your patience.

We were able to talk through new plans for the remainder of the campaign while we were at AdeptiCon. We’ll be revealing these later this week (before I fly off to London for Salute this coming Saturday).

Thank you all for continuing to share the campaign and for letting your friends know why you think this book is a great idea!

Cheers Dave

Bookplates, bases, and more!
almost 6 years ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 02:27:22 AM

This AdeptiCon has been wonderful (to be honest, it always is), and waking up to find a new milestone has been reached each day is great! Overnight we passed 2,750 backers and now we’ve committed Mel to signing book plates for the physical KS copies of Terrain Essentials! Have no fear, though. As Mel is a physiotherapist, he has tricks and tips to make ensure it won’t impact his terrain making ability.

Now we’re on to more Content Upgrades! We’re less than 150 backers away adding 8 pages of Water and Snow and after that we’re looking to add 8 more pages on Buildings and Ruins. Let’s keep sharing the campaign and bring more wonderful Terrainiacs to this project!

And finally, for this update, Mel has been receiving requests for content on basing wargaming minis. We want to focus on terrain for the book, but we’ve been chatting and are evolving ideas for something post-book creation. Let us know in the comments for this update what kind of basing ideas/information you would love to see Mel cover.

An Add-On! Introducing the Colour Reference Card
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 02:23:32 AM

We’ve finally had a chance to take a breath and get this update sorted. We are are so excited that the book continues to grow and that we’re receiving such great support from the AdeptiCon community as well!

Mel and I have been talking a lot about Add-Ons and while we love the idea of cool t-shirts and mugs, we want our Add-Ons to have inherent informational value as well as being cool. Mel has been very keen to see people trying out their paint mixes by testing them on the pages of the book, but we’ve decided to go for a different option - the laminated Colour Reference Card!

Mel will put together colour swatches for his main paint choices for eight different environments, and we’ll add those to a double-sided, laminated sheet where you can test your own mixes against Mel’s, and then wipe the sheet clean once you are satisfied.

This is available to those who have pledged for a physical book (or two) only. To add this to your pledge you just need to hit the Manage Your Pledge button and add $7 per Colour Reference Card you would like. These will ship with your books and require no additional postage.

Also, Mel has just finished up a livestream of the Vendor Hall at AdeptiCon that you can check out here: Apologies that it cut short, but Mel says his battery died at the end.

He’s excited to start editing other footage together for you to show off this Sunday, so stay tuned and keep sharing the campaign!

Thank you!

Terrain Essentials is now a hardback!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 02:15:19 PM

Mel and I are at AdeptiCon!

Last night, Mel was able to attend the Welcome Night event for the Geek Nation Tours group, joining in with the team from Firelock Games (makers of Blood & Plunder). I, on the other hand, was exhausted and took an early night.

That means that I am now awake a bit earlier than I need to be, but I see that you’ve done it! You’ve made the hardback Terrain Essentials a reality. Thank you all. This quality upgrade will bring a lot of value for Mel and the channel. Now, it’s on to more pages for Mel’s excellent content. Let’s keep driving forward and building this book!

At the moment, Mel is still asleep, so I will adjust all the graphics later this morning and catch the campaign page up to date, but I do know that you’ve all set the stage for a wonderful AdeptiCon for us. We have a lot of work to do over the coming days, bring the word of The Terrain Tutor to the glorious wargaming masses!

Later today we should also have an Add-On mocked up and ready to reveal. Something that will add informational value to your Terrain Essentials experience.

AND Mel will be livestreaming from the convention this afternoon/tonight at his usual Studio time - 7:30pm GMT, 3:30pm EDT, 2:30pm CDT. Please make sure you join him to see what he thinks of your generous support (and AdeptiCon)!

I’ll leave you all with screenshot of Mel prowling the halls last night as he was testing the connectivity, and another from the Geek Nation Tours evening.

On our way to AdeptiCon!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 10:54:02 PM

Thank you all for your support, and for sharing the project around!

While we are marching onwards and upwards towards the hardcover and more pages for the book, Mel has set off on his journey to AdeptiCon (near Chicago, IL) this week! I'll be meeting Mel at the hotel on Wednesday and we are looking forward to catching up with many of you and talking to many folks who might not yet know about Terrain Essentials. 

We'll have a couple of Updates while we're at the show, but to follow along with us, make sure you join us on our social media pages:

The Terrain Tutor Facebook page

Dave Taylor Miniatures Facebook page 

We'll see you at the show!